Conference Schedule 2025
Friday 14th of February
17:30 - 18:30 : Final Mandatory Student Officer Workshop
Saturday 15th of February
08:00 - 09:00 : Registration
08:30 - 09:00 : Student Officer Briefing (Student Officers Only)
09:00 - 12:00 : All Committees in session
12:15 - 13:30 : Opening Ceremony
13:30 - 14:00 : Lunch Break for GA committees
14:00 - 14:30 : Lunch Break for Specialised Agencies
14:30 - 17:00 : All Committees in session
14:00 - 16:45 : Approval Panel Open
17:15 - 17:45 : Student Officer Debriefing (Student officers Only)
Sunday 16th of February
08:30 - 09:00 : Student Officer Briefing (Student Officers Only)
09:30 - 11:45 : All Committees in session
11:45 - 12:00 →→: →Group Photo
12:00 - 13:30 : All committees in session
13:30 - 14:00 : Lunch Break for GA committees
14:00 - 16:30 : General Assembly in Session
14:15 - 15:00 : Lunch Break for Specialised Agencies
15:00 - 16:15 : Specialised Agencies in Session
16:30 - 18:00 : Closing ceremony